Guest Post: You Believe Me, Don’t You?

As you may have noticed, I didn’t put up my usual post on Tuesday. The reason is that this week I’m swapping posts with Chip from Games I Made My Girlfriend Play. Chip is a fellow blogger, UWG contributor and awesome writer/gamer and GIMMGP was borne from his desire to share his passion for games with his girlfriend Laura. They keep their blog updated with musings, reminiscences and opinions about games both old and new. Make sure to check out his blog for more posts like the one below! Also, I’ll reblog my post here, so remember to check back for it! For the rest of October I’ll also be swapping posts weekly with a couple of other writers from UWG on the topic of horror. Basically it’s the blog swap month! Not to worry though, you’ll still be able to check out my weekly posts on their blogs, which I’ll reblog here. 

SH2Reflection (1)

The perspective within video games can be a blessing and a curse.  Players have the ability to immerse themselves directly into events, to slip through the fourth wall and become the main character of a story.  This level of control can provide engagement and suspend disbelief for hours on end, but it comes at a narrative price: the story being told is no longer uniform between players.  Where I choose to turn left and hide in the shadows, you may opt to turn right and walk into the spotlight with guns blazing.  Throughout the course of play there can be a variety of choices that will change the tone of the story and intentions of the main character.  With so much power in the hands of the player, how can a developer craft a mysterious and haunting plot that will truly shock people?

One answer is through an unreliable narrator.  The main character of a game can be written in such a way that key points of information will be hidden from the player.  This may be a deliberate choice made by a devious narrator who is twisting story details for his/her own devices, or the involuntary actions of an amnesiac or a character who suffers from past trauma.  When this plot device is well executed, a game with an unreliable narrator can make for an excellent horror experience. Continue reading

Let’s Play Amnesia: The Dark Descent Part 3 is up!

Hi guys, here’s the 3rd part of my new Amnesia series. I think it’s much improved from last time (let me know if you agree) and things start to get interesting in this one! If you like it please show your support by liking/subscribing/commenting, it means a lot to me!

I’ve decided to put out a video every Wednesday and Saturday, so keep checking back. Enjoy!

Let’s Play Amnesia: The Dark Descent Part 1 and 2 are now up on Youtube!

Ignore this, it should be gone soon – 8V8RKH4MDAXQ

I’ve finally got Part 1 and 2 of my Amnesia series up! You can check them out below.  It took a little longer than expected to finish as they were my first Youtube videos ever, so I had to learn the ropes a bit. Also, as usual I got too excited by all the new software and was a bit overzealous in my research. Ah well, hopefully it should be simpler next time!

Just a point to note, it does start off a little slow in Part 1 and gains momentum by the end, so please stick with it! It should begin picking up even more next week as well.

I apologise about the poor lighting at the beginning, hopefully I fixed the issue later on. Let me know if you think it’s still a problem. In fact, I’d appreciate any feedback you’ve got!

If you like the videos, please show your support by commenting on or sharing them  or subscribing to my channel! It would be good to know whether this is a series you’d like me to continue or not.

I know there’s a lot to improve, but hopefully you guys enjoy them.