Opinion Piece: Don’t Forget the Indies!

It was only recently that I’ve actually started putting more time aside to play indie games. With so many triple A titles coming out these days and limited time to play them all, it’s easy to forget about the smaller titles. And when I say indie, I’m not so much talking about studios like ours (Climax Studios). I’m more thinking more along the lines of FEZ, Super Meat Boy and Antichamber – games that were developed with minimal funding and by a few people (whether self-published or published by someone else). Indie studios like our or Telltale don’t operate the same way as these indie studios. Certainly we’re independent, but a 26 year old studio with over 100 employees that has worked with many major IPs (we made 2 of the Silent Hill games) and with many of the big publishers is not what comes to most people’s minds when you say ‘indie’. I think we do need to come up with a better term, but that’s a matter for another day. So what’s so charming about these truly small budget, but not always small scale indie projects? Why am I suggesting taking precious gaming time out for games like Antichamber or Monaco? I’m of course not saying you should stop playing AAA titles or bigger indie titles, only that these smaller titles deserve a place in your heart too. Continue reading

Sam and Sam’s Tekkit Ender Quest Part 56

Unfortunately, due to illness Grumbl3dook and I couldn’t record an episode yesterday, so here it is today. Apologies! Also you may have noticed that I haven’t published my usual blog post today. That’s because I have some exciting posts in the work, including a guest post which I’m hoping to put out later this week once it’s ready. Next week, there’ll be more exciting things happening, like… cheeesetoastieandvideogames’ first interview! YAY! So remember to check back for all that awesome content!

And now it’s time for an epic quest into the nether…

Herobrine’s Mansion with the Afrow Jow Part 9 (Final part)

Wow, soooo I completely forgot to post the link up to the last part of our Herobrine Mansion’s series here on Monday. Sorry about that It! Check it out below!

Also, as you may have noticed I won’t be putting up a SSTEQ video today, because Grumbl3dook and I are busy, but it’ll be up tomorrow instead, so watch out for it. 🙂


The final fight! But wait there’s more! Do I sense a deathmatch on the horizon? Will our tentatively forged alliance dissolve now that all our enemies are gone? Who will be crowned king or queen of the realm?